The “Best Places to Work New Jersey” list is created by the Best Companies Group. It is a study conducted in the form of survey given to employees of all the nominated companies. The Best Companies Group compiles all the data from these surveys and ranks the winners on a final list of 100 businesses. Employees are asked to rank the company based on a variety of topics like: Benefits and Policies, Engagement and Satisfaction. Other companies ranked on this list include: Mercedes Benz, Edward Jones and Esurance.
You can read the full article about Sundance Vacations Best Places to Work 2016 on our News site. See when we were recognized below:
Named to in 2016 – Placed 21st among large companies.
Named to in 2015 – Placed 12th among large companies. Read more about Sundance Vacations Best Places to Work NJ 2015 here.
Named to in 2014 – Placed 12th among large companies.
Named to in 2013 – Placed 29th among large companies.
Named to in 2012 – Placed 30th among large companies.